
Please review and sign this Waiver Of Liability and provide it to Jessica before your first personal training session.


“I have enrolled in a program of strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, aerobic exercise, weight training, and the use of various aerobic-conditioning machinery offered by “Jessica DiBiase Fitness” (referred to, from this point forward, as Jessica DiBiase.” I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit my participation in the exercise program.”

“In consideration of my participation in Jessica DiBiase’s exercise program, I, for myself, my heirs and assigns, hereby release Jessica DiBiase (her agents, officers, principals, employees and


owners), from any claims, demands and causes of action arising from my participation in the exercise program.”

“I fully understand that I may injure myself as a result of my participation in Jessica DiBiase“s exercise program and I, hereby release Jessica DiBiase from liability now or in the future including, but not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries, and any other illness, soreness, injury, or even death, however caused, occurring during or after my participation in the exercise program.”